Arkwright Falls

Location: Located on private property; southeast of Fredonia; town of Arkwright; Chautauqua County; New York.
Maps: Google Map; Topographic; Interactive map.
GPS: Arkwright Falls: (N 42.39418 / W 79.26792)
Cascade on Ball Gulf: (N 42.39600 / W 79.26882)
Directions: Because this is on private property, directions are not available.
Parking: None.
Information / Accessibility / Accommodations
Note: These waterfalls are located on private property and the landowner has asked that no one trespass on the property. This is provided for informational purposes only.
Number of falls: 2 known waterfalls (there may be more within Ball Gulf).
Size/Types: Arkwright Falls is 30 ft high and pours over an L-shaped crest and down an irregular surface. It then continues down a narrow chute, landing in a sizable emerald pool. It’s located on Canadaway Creek.
A second waterfall has been found north of Arkwright Falls, just up Ball Gulf. It is a 30 ft tall cascade (in 3 tiers) in a narrow V-shaped gorge.
Best time to visit: Don’t visit. It’s private property.
Flow: Moderate.
Waterway: Canadaway Creek begins in the hills bordering the towns of Arkwright and Charlotte. It passes through the valley here and heads northwest to Fredonia. It empties into Lake Erie just west of Dunkirk. Ball Gulf is a tributary to Canadaway Creek.
Time: N/A
Seasons/Hours: None.
Admission: The landowners have posted this property. Written permission is required.
Handicap Accessibility: No.
Pets: N/A.
Accommodations: None.
A popular hike and swimming hole for years, Arkwright Falls used to be accessed via a short, but pleasant creek walk from the west. Several pothole pools in this section of the gorge give the water an emerald look in bright sun, and were great for splashing around in.
Unfortunately the landowners no longer allow access. Because of recent problems with trespassing, they have asked me to inform readers that these waterfalls are off limits. Some guides say this is a part of a wildlife management area, but this is not the case. Hopefully this information settles your curiosity and saves you a trip.
The Native American name for Canadaway Creek was Ganadawao. Early European surveyors called it “Cascade,” because of the abundance of rapids found just west of here.
Historical records from 1902 show that Arkwright Falls and “Little Arkwright Falls” were purchased by Dr. D. G Pickett for the purposes of generating electric power. I could not find any information leading me to know whether this project was completed or not.
In 1976, a trail guide, listed this falls within the Canadaway Creek Nature Sanctuary. I’m not sure if this was accurate, but that may be why the place was so accessible in the past.
Hiking / Walking Trails
Note: These waterfalls are located on private property and the landowner has asked that no one trespass on the property. This is provided for informational purposes only.
Map: Interactive.
Arkwright Falls Interactive Map
Arkwright Falls Media

Who to Contact
Contact information unknown