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Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:35 pm
by macnmotion
Hi everyone. Well it's a long holiday weekend here in Thailand, and it coincides with a young waxing moon and also the Saturday Night/Sunday Morning peak of the Orionids Meteor Shower. And to top it off, it may actually be clear (in the height of rainy season) for the shower.

So I'm going to take a chance on luck, and head several hours north east of Bangkok to Khao Yai, a region up in the mountains. I will arrive midday, and will try to head to Khao Yai National Park. I've been there once before, where I got great photos of some Macaque monkeys. I visited one waterfall that day but it was the smallest in the park. If I can make it tomorrow, I'll go to see the largest waterfall, called Haew Narok Falls. Here is a page showing info about the falls: ... rfall.html

If I go I'll try to get some photos to share. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Here is one of the Macaques I photographed last time at the park:


Re: Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:23 am
by Kelly
Such beautiful lighting! Have a safe and enjoyable journey, Andy!

Re: Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:53 am
by macnmotion
What a great weekend. I was able to see two waterfalls in Khao Yai National park. We arrived at the park at 1PM. It was very hot but the trail to Haew Narok Falls (the tallest in the park) was mostly tree-covered. There were about 1000 nearly vertical steps to go down to reach the viewing point at the base of the waterfall. From this viewpoint we could only see the upper tier (of three) which is said to fall about 40-50 meters. We are in the midst of the rainy season so there was plenty of water falling. Compared to the serene beauty of Erawan Falls last month, this was just raw power. My photos don't do justice to the force of the waterfall, but I took video which helps.

After hiking back up the steps, we drove to Haew Suwat Falls, the most popular waterfall in the park due to its easy access and location near camp grounds. It was incredibly crowded but with some creative stone hopping I was able to get some decent angles. Again, this is a powerful waterfall, dropping about 15 meters.

On the way out of the park we came across a group of about 50 macaque monkeys, with many babies in tow. I had a great opportunity for photos, so I'm sharing a few here.

The real reason for the trip was to view the Orionid meteor shower Saturday night. It was clear but the air was very thick with humidity so area lights were interfering quite a bit. right when we first started viewing, at just after 11PM, I saw a huge meteor streak across half the sky. Unfortunately that was just about the entire show. We watched under the stars until almost 5am and only say 5 total meteors, and I didn't capture any with my camera. However at 4:45am I did set up and catch an Iridium Flare, just before the satellite ducked behind the tree tops.

What a great way to spend a weekend.

Haew Narok Falls - Upper Level

Haew Suwat Falls

Video of both waterfalls

The macaque monkeys in Khao Yai National park

Iridium Flare beneath Orion

Re: Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:14 am
by Brenda
Wonderful photos, Andy!

Re: Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:53 pm
by americanhero
great shots!!! The waterfalls looks awesome!!!

Re: Hoping to see a new waterfall this weekend

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:11 am
by Matt
You got some great pics despite the challenging lighting.