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Fireworks photography tips

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:17 am
by Matt
Post your tips for photographing fireworks displays here.

A few to start

Long exposures require a steady tripod. During public displays, keep a close watch on the tripod and the surroundings. I find that when the sky lights up, people that are walking around certainly aren't looking in front of them, and it's dark... there's a high likelihood someone's going to knock over your tripod. I've seen this happen twice.

Close the Aperture to f/8 or smaller. This will widen the depth of field so you will have a better change of catching the explosions in focus.

Focus to infinity, and set up that remote shutter release.

Start with one second exposures in complete darkness. View the results and lengthen the time to capture more explosions. Review each shot after you increase the time to make sure you aren't overexposing and the colors are fading in the highlights.

Turn on noise cancelling if you have it.