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Mt Morris Dam and Flooding

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:55 am
by Matt
If it weren't for this dam... Rochester's Genesee would flood from Lake Ontario to Ridge Rd, and then along the River through the city and Black Creek in Chili would back up. Downtown would be suffering.
Here's an interesting article on the dam.
The pool of Genesee River water being held back by the Mount Morris dam in Livingston County was 90 feet deep Tuesday afternoon, an exceptional amount of water for this late in spring.

The dam is functioning fine, officials say, and has room to hold a great deal more water, which is still more than 90 feet from the top of the dam.

But the volume being held behind the flood-control structure — like the number of postponed Little League games and cancellation of Lilac Festival events for three days running — is further evidence that we're drowning in rain.

"We always get that high at the end of March, or the beginning of April, with spring rains and the melting snow. We typically don't see it too much at May, not like we're seeing it now," said Tom Wenzel, a park ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which operates the dam. "I've been here for going on 10 years, and I've never seen water backed up for this long." ... |text|News

Now would be a great time to get shots of that huge lake of water behind it.

Re: Mt Morris Dam and Flooding

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:25 pm
by cbobcat49
When we rafted the Genesee a few week ago, the normal take-out point was still underwater by reservoir water. We had to paddle through a forest of submerged trees to get to shore.
