Hello From Syracuse NY

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Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by TheMagiciansEye » Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:23 pm

backpacker wrote:welcome and great shots looking foward to more.
Thank you :)

Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by backpacker » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:52 am

welcome and great shots looking foward to more.

Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by TheMagiciansEye » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:49 pm

ApproachingLight wrote:HI. Nice flow at Watkins Glenn. The last one (to me) is just enough spooky but not gothish.

I agree. She wasn't the best model but she went the extra mile for that shot. Believe it or not it was taken in a irrigation canal. We both had to climb in it to get the shot. If you look closely into here eyes you can see me standing above her taking the picture :)

I should have brought a tripod for the Watkins Glen shots. I was trying to shoot at 1/6th of a sec hand held. Needless to say I have very few usable shots out of the hundreds I shot.

Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by ApproachingLight » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:34 pm

HI. Nice flow at Watkins Glenn. The last one (to me) is just enough spooky but not gothish.


Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by Matt » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:22 pm

Welcome. Excellent shots!

Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by Brenda » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:43 am

Thanks for sharing those! Welcome to the community!

Re: Hello From Syracuse NY

by Kelly » Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:22 am


Hello From Syracuse NY

by TheMagiciansEye » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:08 am

Just stopping by to say hello and share a few current shots. I'm from Arizona but moved to Syracuse this past July. We randomly moved here just for something different. So far I love it and couldn't be happier. I actually live in Dewitt but for some strange reason we have a Syracuse address. Still haven't figured that out lol.

I'm a retired motor sport photographer (dirt track racing/short course off road racing mainly) but I've shot all kinds of things like, models, wanna be models lol, events, concerts, music industry shoots, nature, and just random artistic photos. I've been published more times than I bothered to count. And yeah I stopped shooting at the end of 2009 because the industry is falling apart and there isn't any real money there unless you want to shoot weddings or you have the connect with loyal big money clients. To much of a grind now days. I honestly burned myself out and completely stopped shooting until I moved here. My camera still have dust on it from the local dirt tracks in AZ and the Short course off road tracks in AZ lol. I need to get that bad by cleaned up.

Anyway now that I'm here and see all the beauty around these parts it's hard for me not to want to shoot again. I do enjoy it but like I said it can be a real grind trying to do it for a living. Right now I'm just shooting for me. If I sell a few prints here and there cool if I don't cool.

Anyway here are a few shots that I took at Watkins Glen State Park. And I'll toss in a couple random shots of photos I've taken in the past.












